At 19 years old, I was diagnosed with endometriosis, setting me on a journey filled with surgeries, pharmaceuticals, and the confines of the medical system. Determined to break free from this cycle, I embarked on a path of self-discovery and empowerment.

Driven by my own struggles, I pursued education in holistic nutrition, learning how to heal my body naturally and help other women to do the same. While I embraced holistic principles in all aspects of my life, it wasn't until the birth of my fourth child that I felt a calling to experience a physiological sovereign birth.

However, as I explored local midwives, I found none that aligned with my vision for an emotionally and spiritually fulfilling birth. Refusing to compromise on my ideals, I embarked on a journey of intense self-preparation. Through an extremely nourishing diet and dedicated focus on my physical and maternal mindset shifts, I prepared myself for a freebirth.

The experience was nothing short of life-altering. It not only brought my child into the world in a blissful and empowering way but also transformed my career and passions. Now, I'm on a mission to inspire and empower other women to reclaim their birthing experiences and achieve optimal health in order to have truly enjoyable births.

As a holistic nutritionist and advocate for physiological sovereign birth, I provide women with the tools and guidance they need to prepare their bodies and minds for the journey of physiological birth. My goal is to empower women to trust in their bodies' innate wisdom and create the most fulfilling birthing experiences possible.

Join me on this journey of empowerment, healing, and transformation. Let's rewrite the narrative of childbirth and embrace the beauty and strength of the human body.